Chinese Proverbs Quiz

Chinese Proverbs Quiz: Horses, Tigers, and Mediocrity?

Chinese proverbs, sayings, and idioms: there’s practically one for every imaginable scenario (here are 12 different proverbs that mention chickens).

One covers why you should (or shouldn’t?) play music for a cow, and there’s another on why you shouldn’t … play with an axe?

There are two ways of translating “proverbs” into Chinese: 成语 (chéngyǔ) and 谚语 (yányǔ).

成语 (chéngyǔ) are Chinese proverbs that are four characters long, occasionally six. 谚语 (yányǔ) are proverbs that are longer than four characters.

Generally speaking, proverbs offer some form of advice regarding life.

Some, understandably, are more helpful than others.

The line between what is a proverb and what is an idiom is fairly blurred; 马马虎虎 (mǎmahūhu, so-so) is a chengyu, but it’s more of an idiom than a proverb.

Regardless, it’s popular, has four characters, and is fun to say.

For more information on the Chinese proverbs that’ll appear in this quiz, we’ve got two excellent resources for you:

Onto the quiz…

Think you can guess what these 15 chengyu and yanyu mean? Give it a try!

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What does 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 mean?

What does 吃一堑,长一智 mean?

What does 英雄所见略同 mean?

What does 不怕慢,就怕停 mean?

What does 一举两得 mean?

What does 机不可失,时不再来 mean?

What does 一口吃不成胖子 mean?

What does 请教别人一次是五分钟的傻子,从不请教别人是一辈子的傻子 mean?

What does 一分钱,一分货 mean?

What does 一不做,二不休 mean?

What does 千里之行,始于足下 mean?

What does 未雨绸缪 mean?

What does 欲速则不达 mean?

What does 祸从口出 mean?

What does 师父领进门,修行在个 mean?

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