The HSK Exam for 2024. Your complete guide including dates of the written and oral exam, prices, the words you need to know and courses…
We think LTL is pretty great, but don’t just take our word for it. Here are a few articles that highlight what makes LTL unique and effective.
The Telegraph [English]
“Language is never really learnt in a classroom, but only on the battlefield of everyday life: that is the core philosophy of an inventive Chinese language school in Beijing called “Live the Language” that arranges homestay visits for foreigners wanting to learn Chinese.” 👉 Read More
The Beijinger [English]
“German native Andy Zhou arrived in Beijing eight years ago as a student eager to learn Chinese through any means possible, trying BLCU, private language schools and even online learning programs. Learning from his own mistakes…” 👉 Read More
SCMP [English]
“To learn the language, live the culture. Andreas Laimböck says expats must escape their bubble to achieve fluency in Putonghua, and his school in Beijing puts the emphasis on going. When Austrian Laimböck, 33, came to China in 2002 to learn Putonghua,…” 👉Read More
Die WELT [German]
“Wie man Chinesisch in nur einer Woche lernt. “Ein Sprachlehrer in Peking behauptet, jeder könne innerhalb weniger Tage Survival-Chinesisch lernen. Die Schüler müssen sich dafür in der Provinz durchschlagen. Unser Autor hat es ausprobiert.” 👉 Mehr lesen
The Pie News [English]
“The PIE caught up with Laimböck to talk about how Mandarin teaching methods have changed since he first studied it, the increasing popularity of learning the language and why he sends students to a city in China with no foreigners to improve their language skills.” 👉 Read More [German]
“Der Deutsch-Österreicher Andreas Laimböck ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Sprachschule LTL – “Live The Language”. Als er 1999 als Student zum ersten Mal nach China kam, war er sogleich von der chinesischen Sprache und Kultur begeistert. ” 👉 Mehr lesen
The International Association of Language Centres was founded in 1983 and is today the world’s oldest and biggest international private language school association.
Their founding aims are:
- To promote cultural & professional exchange through studying modern languages in the countries where they are spoken
- To represent and convey professionalism and expertise in the teaching of foreign languages
- To protect and maintain worldwide the existence of high-quality independent language schools
As a fully accredited member, LTL is regularly inspected by the association and operates according to the IALC code of ethics.

We also boast partnerships with several highly regarded universities around the world including:
DID YOU KNOW || All Mandarin courses with LTL are accredited by Westminster University (Utah, USA). This means our students can receive US University credits for all Chinese courses taken with us. If you wish to know more please speak with us.
Students can also apply for university financial support here.
We are super lucky to have received several excellent awards over the years. These awards prove there is no better place to study study languages, than with LTL!