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At LTL Mandarin School in Singapore we provide you with carefully selected Homestay Families to allow you the most immersive environment for your study program.

80% of our students choose to live with a homestay family.

That way you get to live with a Chinese family in Singapore and get to grips with incredible home cooked food, all whilst speaking Mandarin 24/7.

LTL stands for “Live The Language” and we pride ourselves on the organisation of the best immersive languages programs for which we received multiple awards, so you can be sure to be in great hands with us.

100% Immersion

Speak Chinese 24/7 – Apply everything you learned in class at home, with your family, and make the fastest progress possible. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, it’s the best way to learn.

Fabulous Food – Enjoy authentic homemade Chinese food and learn about Chinese culture with your family everyday. Feel free to share about your culture as well, your family will ove it.

Full Support For You

Our Team – Our team is extensive and growing, and guess what? We are all experts. Please ask us anything you need and we will help get your answer, as fast as possible!

All Inclusive – There are never any hidden fees or added extras with LTL. WiFi, Bills, Heating etc, it’s all included to make everything that bit easier for you when booking your trip.


Throughout all of our LTL locations roughly 80% of our students choose to stay with a Chinese host family.

There is a reason for that, it’s because it really works, your Chinese really improves, fast.

Imagine after your lesson going out and speaking your native language every night, what happens to the things you learnt that day?

Now imagine going to spend a few evenings with a Chinese family, who speak no English. Not rocket science, right?!

LTL Homestay’s – What’s the Verdict?


Other information

If you have specific requirements please speak to us, we can cater for anyone.

  • Vegan, vegetarian, halal and gluten free
  • Other special dietary requirements
  • Allergies: pets or peanuts, we can help
  • More English? Want a family with a basic grasp of English as a back-up? We can arrange this

Included in your Singapore Homestay is:

  • Bedroom with lock
  • Desk, bed & sheets
  • WiFi, heating, air-con and all bills
  • Meals
  • Only one student per homestay


80% of students choose a homestay, so where do the rest stay?

The remaining 20% of students stay select their own accommodation.

Do I get a house key?

Yes, you do

Is it a problem if I arrive home late?

As long as you show respect, be quiet, and don’t make a racket then this is fine.

How do you match student with family?

We speak to you and get to know you before you come here. What makes you tick, what you like, what you dislike, what you need, what you want. All this allows us to make the perfect match.

Can I change my homestay if I have a problem?

You can yes, but speak to us and we’ll try and find a way to resolve it.

This very. very rarely happens but if the situation is particularly poor we will be able to assist you.

What about getting to LTL Singapore on my first day?

Your host family will bring you, or at least give clear directions on your first day.

Do you have many host families?

Across all our locations we have a large pool of host families, who, when they join us, often stay with us for a long time.

We are looking for new host families every single week in a bid to try and bring you the widest options to cater for every possible situation.

Does the bedroom door lock?

Yes, it does

Can someone come and stay in my room?

No this is not possible and disrespectful to your host family.

Do I receive information about my host family before arriving?

Yes, we will send you an information pack via email.

Can I stay in a homestay and not book a Chinese course?

No we keep homestays specifically for our students.

What Our Students Said

Linea Testimony for LTL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I have been lucky with my host family; they are very sweet. I live with a family (a mom and her teenage son) from Mainland China. We do cooking together, which is very fun, she taught me to make dumplings.

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