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One of the great pitfalls for us Chinese learners is the inability to type Pinyin WITH the tonal marks necessary in Mandarin Chinese.

This is a huge bug-bare for so many of us because we have to physically head over to Google Translate, and use this, which is cumbersome and time consuming…

NOT ANYMORE – Now you can add Chinese tones to Pinyin with our Pinyin Translator/Converter.

Introducing to you the LTL Pinyin Converter, from now on…

  • Wo can become Wǒ
  • Ni can become Ní
  • Beijing can become Běijīng

It’s so simple to use, just type in your pinyin as you would normally below, and select the tones as you go.

For Example – As you type in wo shi ying guo ren (which means I am English), as you type the tonal marks will appear under the text, and you just select one of the 4 tones, and continue typing.

We hope you find the resource useful.

We have a load of other tools which include:

Chinese Pinyin Translator/Converter


Good question! Let’s get straight to it:

#1 It helps many people, hugely

Not being able to type out the Chinese pinyin is incredibly irritating and we know that more than anyone else given the amount of content we write on our blogs.

Having to switch over to Google translate to grab the pinyin is just a pain, so being able to type normally and just use the auto-select feature we created is a major benefit not just to us but to you also.

#2 There aren’t enough tools like these

We want to provide you with the most useful Mandarin tools on the web, simple as that.

As you may’ve seen on our Chinese tools page, we are steadily building up a portfolio of useful tools for our visitors.

These are designed to be a range of fun, useful and handy tools which you can use day to day to make your experience with Chinese that bit easier.

#3 We care

We really do. We are building this for YOU, our visitors. We hope once you use it, you’ll be bookmarking it because it’s that valuable to you.

And if it isn’t, we’ll build something that is. We gain no financial benefit from this, and it takes time for us to perfect and make… we care and we want to help YOU.

Other Useful Chinese Tools

  • Price Calculator

    LTL Tools

    Inspired to come to LTL Mandarin School and learn Chinese? Wise choice! To get an idea of the costs and the programs we offer, check out our calculator and create the perfect program.

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  • Name Generator

    LTL Tools

    Get yourself a personalised Chinese name in seconds with our Chinese name generator. It’s super easy, and very simple. Get your own Chinese name now.

    Learn More

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