Singles day
Hi, my name is Manuel! I am from Spain and I am a Student Advisor at LTL. I’m now based at our Seoul School after living 3 years in Taipei.
Fancy coming to study with us? Drop me a message.
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: manuelsaldana
WhatsApp: +886 987 291 651
Office: +82 0 70-4153-5522
Hi, my name is Mojca! I am from Slovenia in Europe and I work as a student advisor at our Shanghai school.
Please contact me if you wish to come and study with us!
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: Mojca_LTL
Singles day
TEST YOUR HSK 5 VOCABULARY SKILLS Strap up for the best, most extensive HSK 5 Vocabulary Test on the web! By taking part, we’re assuming…
What if we could learn foreign languages by watching our favourite shows? Well.. it is now possible with 'Language Learning with Netflix'!
12 Useful Chinese Words With No English Equivalent Learning Chinese is often quite challenging. But those who have reached fluency in the language can confirm…
Discover how to say 94 country names in Chinese and what the literal translations are. There are some funny ones!
Discover your Chinese vocabulary knowledge by taking this HSK 3 test based on the 300 new words included in the exam, and get your results…
How to Write An Email in Chinese? 🤔 It's not as hard as you think. Here's our complete guide to becoming a pro in writing…
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