Learn the Vegetables in Chinese
Hi, my name is Manuel! I am from Spain and I am a Student Advisor at LTL. I’m now based at our Seoul School after living 3 years in Taipei.
Fancy coming to study with us? Drop me a message.
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: manuelsaldana
WhatsApp: +886 987 291 651
Office: +82 0 70-4153-5522
Hi, my name is Mojca! I am from Slovenia in Europe and I work as a student advisor at our Shanghai school.
Please contact me if you wish to come and study with us!
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: Mojca_LTL
Learn the Vegetables in Chinese
Learning Chinese The Hard Way! Debbie Mason has lived in Beijing for more than ten years. She thought her Chinese was okay until she realized…
Want to write the perfect cover letter in Chinese? It's formal and you need to strike the write notes. This guide will see you passing…
Han China and the Roman Empire - To properly understand early Sino Roman contact we have to look way back, to the time of Alexander…
Chengyu Stories: Why does 马马虎虎 (mǎmǎhūhū) mean “so-so” in Mandarin? Time to reveal all… While studying Chinese, you will learn a lot of 4 character…
Hospital in China - This is the story of Lenka and her daughter Tereza, from the Czech Republic. Unfortunately during their first month, Tereza became…
What is the Shanghai Language? Mandarin or Shanghainese? Shanghainese is a part of the Wu Dialect family but should I learn Shanghainese?
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