Learn the Vegetables in Chinese
Hi, my name is Manuel! I am from Spain and I am a Student Advisor at LTL. I’m now based at our Seoul School after living 3 years in Taipei.
Fancy coming to study with us? Drop me a message.
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: manuelsaldana
WhatsApp: +886 987 291 651
Office: +82 0 70-4153-5522
Hi, my name is Mojca! I am from Slovenia in Europe and I work as a student advisor at our Shanghai school.
Please contact me if you wish to come and study with us!
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: Mojca_LTL
Learn the Vegetables in Chinese
How hard it is to deal with lactose intolerance in China? The good news is that it's possible to live in China and not encounter…
Dealing with one Valentines Day per year is too much for many 💕 Well, count yourself lucky you're not celebrating a Chinese Valentines Day.
This is the story of Olympia, who came to Beijing with her younger sister, Fabiola, to study Chinese with LTL.
HelloChinese Review - Hello Chinese is one of the most popular apps to learn Chinese on your phone. We review this Chinese learning app and…
Social Media in China (in 2021) is ever evolving and ever changing. Follow our guide on the key vocab and what you need to know…
How to say Happy New Year in Chinese? Opt for something more elaborate and personalized with some of these alternate ways of wishing in the…
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