Hi, my name is Manuel! I am from Spain and I am a Student Advisor at LTL. I’m now based at our Seoul School after living 3 years in Taipei.
Fancy coming to study with us? Drop me a message.
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: manuelsaldana
WhatsApp: +886 987 291 651
Office: +82 0 70-4153-5522
Hi, my name is Mojca! I am from Slovenia in Europe and I work as a student advisor at our Shanghai school.
Please contact me if you wish to come and study with us!
Email: [email protected]
WeChat ID: Mojca_LTL
The ULTIMATE HSK 6 Vocabulary Test Welcome to the HSK 6 vocabulary test! The first thing to know about this HSK 6 vocabulary test is…
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Social Media in China (in 2021) is ever evolving and ever changing. Follow our guide on the key vocab and what you need to know…
Learn Advanced Chinese || It's not easy but it's certainly possible. Kill the conception you can't do it and follow our step-by-step guide to success.
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